Saturday, September 22, 2012

NO not a trick but a treat once you believe “You’re stronger than you think,”

“You’re stronger than you think,” a friend once told me during a time of personal crisis.
Today these words replay in mind frequently when I become overwhelmed about all of the reasons why I need to stay gluten free.
It was only recently I came to terms with the fact my body and mind would be better served with a gluten-free lifestyle, and at the same time consider it a blessing! I have moved on from my negative thoughts of "this isn't fair!" or "this diet will be too difficult". Today when they creep into my mind, acknowledge them, but I no longer let this negative mantra have power over me.
It has taken a tremendous amount of strength to embark on this new lifestyle.  A lifestyle where staple ingredients and familiar foods are suddenly off-limits: A lifestyle where spontaneity of ordinary cooking gives way to careful planning.  I have found it takes great strength to put your self out there every day, checking labels and asking questions.
 For me to gain more strength in this journey, I hope there comes a day when I can rely on the chef and wait staff at a restaurant that truly understands gluten-free-living and are accommodating as this will allow for a more routine lifestyle.  A day when gluten-free guidelines gain the attention as peanut allergies do for the public schools, as I know of a young boy who felt punished because he was not allowed cake for an unplanned classroom celebration as the staff has nothing to offer him.
Lastly the day when we have mandated federal standards/guidelines for gluten-free labeling to eliminate some of the guess work.
 As Halloween approaches let me take some of the guess work out of what not to eat while trick or treating: keep in mind  -  80% of all conventional candies have gluten in them
For a complete list go to:

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